Some items are shipped separately and may have different delivery times and instructions. Billing for products shipped separately will take place at the time of the order. Products shipped separately could take up to eight weeks to deliver depending on the products.
Truck-delivered orders
Items shipped by truck may require you to receive the merchandise at the rear of the truck, at which point the carrier's delivery obligation is complete.
- It may be necessary for you to assist or move merchandise from the back of the truck into your home or office.
- If you want inside delivery, the extra cost for this service is your responsibility.
- A daytime telephone number is required so the carrier can schedule your delivery appointment.
- The carrier's phone call to you is the best way to confirm delivery arrangements and assistance (if any) required by you.
Frozen food products cannot be shipped to a P.O. box or rural route address.
Damaged truck-delivered merchandise
If merchandise is received by truck carrier, and the merchandise (not just the carton) is obviously damaged, the merchandise should be immediately refused by writing "Damaged – Refused" on all the carrier's delivery papers. Then:
- Keep a copy of the delivery receipt for your records.
- Request a replacement and further instruction from Customer Support.
- Product should be returned with the carrier.
If the damage is concealed and discovered after opening, keep the shipping container.
For further assistance, Contact Us.
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