Here’s a list of ways that weather affects freight shipping:
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Terminals: Much like roads, in extreme weather, terminals either close completely or conduct limited operations. Do remember that terminals only run smoothly with the assistance of all the workers, who also would like to be in the safety of their home when a major storm strikes. Are you seeing a pattern here? Safety, safety, safety—first!
Guarantees: Freight shipping is almost never guaranteed. But, you can opt in for guaranteed shipping at an additional cost which puts your shipment at the top of a carrier’s priority list. However, when there’s a winter storm a-brewin’, there are absolutely no guarantees, no matter if you paid extra or not.
Capacity limitations: Sometimes a freight truck will get stuck on the highway in the middle of a storm and have to spend the night in a motel off the side of i-95 until the snow clears. This means one less truck equipped for shipping, and that there may not be any available trucks to take on your shipment.
Power outages: It happens. You call the electric company and all they can do is confirm what you already knew—no power. There’s not much that can be done in the freight world without the magic of electricity. Curse you mother nature!
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